Key Steps To Succeed And Build A Six Figure Income

Today with the uncertainty over many jobs, many of our Kababayans are looking to start their very own business. This is what makes HCI Biz ideal as it allows you to work from the comfort of your very own home and according to the hours that you want.

However, most companies do not represent their business opportunity correctly. When you walk into a business meeting they will present the lifestyle of freedom that many of their top earners experience. However, they fail to mention the blood, sweat and tears that these people had to go through to achieve that.

Here are some key steps that you need to implement in your HCI business to succeed and build a six figure income. 

Right Mind Set

You need to have the right mind set to succeed. It is very important that you find your why. This is a strong reason as to why you should be successful. When you are facing a lot of rejection this reason will be key to keep going. If you do not have a strong reason you will easily become one of the many thousands who will quit.

Personal Development

You need to also do a lot of personal development. When somebody joins your business they will be buying into you. If you are charismatic they will easily believe that you can help them start a successful HCI business.

Help People Get Started

Finally, once you start recruiting people it is very important to help them get started. If they do not see a trickle of money coming in then it will be very unlikely that they will continue.

Work with us!
Prof. Abraham Camba, Jr., D.B.A.
Prof. Aileen Camba, D.B.A.

A Positive, Productive Team in Place

To thrive in a highly competitive atmosphere, it’s critical to have the right people on the bus, keep them on board, and maintain a positive culture. 

Team HealthyYOU, has been recognized as one of the “Best and Fastest Growing Team” of HCI Biz because we’ve built a strong, achievement-focused culture where distributors feel valued and respected. It didn’t happen by accident!

We used a deliberate strategy to create highly motivated leaders: 
  • Invite people who fit the culture you want to build. Sometimes it may make sense to sponsor someone even if his or her background doesn’t exactly match the culture you want. Remember, you can teach people new skills or processes – the important thing is that they bring the right attitude and core values to your network. At Team HealthyYOU, we’ve found that driven, passionate new team members make major contributions to our business regardless of their background.
  • Clearly define roles. One thing we learned early is how important it is to clearly identify and communicate everyone’s role within the business. At Team HealthyYOU, we defined the leaders function as creating the vision and long-term direction. We also charge leaders with creating strategies to achieve the vision.
  • Provide benefits and perks. At Team HealthyYOU, we’ve noticed that the security that comes with the perks and benefits we provide creates goodwill that generates more value than it costs. Large items or small things, our leaders respond with passion and commitment.
  • Encourage teamwork and innovation. As we build our desired culture, we demonstrate the value of collaboration and “outside-the-box” thinking. For instance, we encourage our leaders to come up with more efficient ways to handle rejections, and ask them to work together to develop fresh new prospecting ideas.
Team HealthyYOU has unique needs. So there are general principles you can follow to create a happy, productive team, and most important is to use practices that will benefit the leaders while also creating an advantage for the whole Team.

Work with us!
Prof. Abraham Camba, Jr., D.B.A.
Prof. Aileen Camba, D.B.A.

Shifting from me to WE

We are currently in what's being called a WE cycle.

The WE conversation is one of the most relevant and important conversations you could be having with your downlines, prospects, and anyone you're doing business with.

It is one of the most important conversations you could be having right now as HCI Biz entrepreneur.

We are shifting from me to WE! This new paradigm is all about coming together and collaborating to solve collective problems. And this is going to dramatically impact the relevance and success of your HCI business.

The distributors who will create the most success and make the most money in this current paradigm are the ones who understand and apply the WE principle.

No more second thoughts!

Apply this ASAP to your HCI Biz.

Work with us!
Dr. Jong Camba
Dr. Aileen Camba

The BIG secret of the GREATEST OLYMPIAN of all time...

One of the big problems lots of our HCI Biz distributors’ face, especially ones that are starting out, is this constant chasing after the new, hot, "flavor of the month" technique or strategy.

I was watching an interview with Michael Phelps... the most decorated Olympian of all times... with 22 medals, 18 of which are gold... multiple World and Olympic records... you could say the man is a machine.

But there was a time when Phelps was slacking, and wasn't on top of his game.

In his own words it came down to doing "The Basics" and doing it regularly.

When with the help of his coach he did things he needed to do, even when he DID NOT want to do them... is when his performance went through the roof.

What kinds of things? The basics!

Lots and lots of swimming, weight lifting, basic exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, etc..

Nothing fancy, but the KEY is he did it CONSISTENTLY.

And it's no different in our business.

If you do THE BASICS consistently, you can expect incredible results... well into the 5- and 6 or even 7-Figures.

Work with us:
Dr. Jong C. Camba
Dr. Aileen L. Camba

Incorporate HOPE into your sponsoring process

Today, I’d like to give you the GIGANTIC KEY in getting people to buy into your HCI Biz System. It’s an emotion that’s BUILT into our DNA and if you could trace all our decisions to their root cause… I’d say that all of them hinge on this, HOPE!

When you purchase HCI-CMD, you “hope” that it’ll solve your problem (whatever it is… physical health or financial). When you see a promise being made… if it’s strong enough you start looking for reasons to believe it’ll happen. Hope is a very powerful emotion, one of the core emotions that run our life and dictate our behavior.

You sell HOPE! You sell the promise of a bigger, brighter, more fulfilling future… one filled with the things PEOPLE want in their lives:

1.      Money
2.      Security
3.      Recognition
4.      Achievement
5.      Love of Family
6.      Acceptance of Others
7.      Self-Acceptance

The minute your prospect finds some reason to believe that these things will happen to them as a result of joining our HCI Biz or buying HCI-CMD… you ignite a spark of HOPE in them. And it’s this hope that will instantly change their state and take them from being somewhat interested to a ready MEMBER and distributor with money in their hands. Hope is what you really sell, and the better you can get at it, the more people you’ll sponsor and the more money you’ll make.

How do you sell hope? The only way is to completely immerse yourself in the business. You’ve got to become OBSESSED with success. Whether you are part-time, every waking minute of your day, YOU NEED TO BE THINKING ABOUT YOUR HCI BIZ AND WHAT YOU CAN DO TO GROW IT.

Work with us:
Dr. Jong C. Camba
Dr. Aileen L. Camba

3 SIMPLE steps you need to win BIG in this business

Do you know what your foremost objective when talking to a prospect on the phone or in any of your online communication - blogs, articles, emails, or videos?

I believe your number one goal is to be on the same page with the person reading, hearing and watching your message or even talking to you on the phone.

One of the first things I learned in sales is that I need to... INSTANTLY Get The Person To LIKE And TRUST Me! UNLESS they like and trust you, there's no chance for them to EVER want to do business with you.

You basically need to understand your prospect to have a successful interaction. AVOID complete mismatch in communication. Copywriter John Caples said, "You need to enter the conversation in your prospect's mind."

How to enter those conversations skillfully? Here are 3 simple steps:

Step 1: You need to identify EXACTLY who your ideal prospect is.

By identifying a specific type of person you're going after, you can start gaining insights into what their life is like. Who they are, what they do, what their pains, frustrations and fears are, as well their motivation and desires. Knowing these you can easily enter the conversation going on in their head, because you can relate to the things happening in their life.

Step 2: You need to know EXACTLY what to say to them.

When you know what the person is thinking, or at least have a pretty good idea, you can speak in their language. You can anticipate the questions or objections they have. You'll know what specific questions to ask to extract whatever information you need to move forward. And you'll know what to say to build a very compelling case for them to join your business.

Step 3: Attract ONLY the cream of the crop.

You don't need everyone to join. You only want the very best, because why waste your time, resources, and emotional energy on people who are simply not serious? When you communicate this way, you automatically position yourself as someone THEY have to qualify to work with and not the other way around.

FOLLOW these steps and you are on your way to becoming a sponsoring machine…

Work with us:
Dr. Jong C. Camba
Dr. Aileen L. Camba

Beat Almost Everyone…

Persistence is the Key

Competition is great, but it can also drive a lot of people crazy. One reason is we tend to compare ourselves to others, and that’s a mistake. The only person you REALLY need to compete with… is YOURSELF!

If you can be the best you can be, and compete with your own performance, everything else takes care of itself. You can’t help but win and eventually beat everyone else. And there’s only ONE thing you need to do that. That one thing is…PERSISTENCE! It’s not something you learn, but rather develop through a burning desire.

Napoleon Hill, in “Think & Grow Rich” said that DESIRE is the starting point of all achievement.

If you lack desire, then you can’t expect to get much of anything. Persistence is naturally developed and is fueled by this desire.

Most people give up way to soon. I’ll never get them, but the fact is, they just lack the fire in their belly to go out and do something BIG. Everyone simply can’t be at the top. BUT, anyone can, if they develop the persistence it takes to get there. Persistence is the KEY you need to deal with and overcome failure.

Failure Isn't Really Failure At All

Probably you’ve heard this before – “You never really fail, until you quit.” Let’s redefine failure, and call it what it really is – a setback.

While most choose the so-called safe path – school, job, never risk much, just be like everyone else, etc. We as entrepreneurs chose a different route. A road filled with bumps, sharp turns, and lots of detours along the way. And those are all simply setbacks.

When we started our HCI-CMD career, we went on distributing 500 flyers and made 20 appointments with our little white board and demo gadgets. You know the demo presentation and the whole thing. And out of these 20 not a single one bought a single drop of CMD.

We can vividly remember telling ourselves – “this is going to be a little harder than we thought…”

But fortunately we didn’t let that stop us. It actually ignited the fire within us, because now we have something to prove. Prove to ourselves that we can do this, and prove to all those people who said NO. Persistence is the key to having this attitude.

When you encounter setbacks and challenges, although it doesn’t seem like at the moment, but they actually make you stronger and help you move faster. One of our favorite quotes and something we remind ourselves VERY OFTEN, is one by Napoleon Hill – “Every failure brings with a seed of an equivalent advantage.” It’s 100% true. Brian Tracy said it like this – “When you encounter failure, look at it as a gift from the Universe, and ask yourself – What can I learn from this?”

You don’t have to stress over every little setback, just look for the good in it, and what you can learn from it. Another one of my favorites is by Tom Hopkins, and it’s so true.

He says every time you fail at something, just say to yourself – “I never see failure as failure but only as the negative feedback I need to change course in my direction.”

You know what, you might as well quit right there and then. Don’t even try, because you’re obviously living in a land of wishing and hoping, and lack the desire and persistence it takes to win.

When you know EXACTLY what you want… when you have a BIG WHY (you know your reason why you’re going for it), you don’t stop the car when the road is closed and go back home. You look for the detour sign and another way to get there.

… We Don't Need Everyone To Join

You only want a certain type of person on your team. Why would you want people who will drain your energy and do nothing at the end? Don’t we want others who are like us, who have the desire, the will, the drive and the PERSISTENCE it takes to win?

Work with us:
Dr. Jong C. Camba
Dr. Aileen L. Camba