The BIG secret of the GREATEST OLYMPIAN of all time...

One of the big problems lots of our HCI Biz distributors’ face, especially ones that are starting out, is this constant chasing after the new, hot, "flavor of the month" technique or strategy.

I was watching an interview with Michael Phelps... the most decorated Olympian of all times... with 22 medals, 18 of which are gold... multiple World and Olympic records... you could say the man is a machine.

But there was a time when Phelps was slacking, and wasn't on top of his game.

In his own words it came down to doing "The Basics" and doing it regularly.

When with the help of his coach he did things he needed to do, even when he DID NOT want to do them... is when his performance went through the roof.

What kinds of things? The basics!

Lots and lots of swimming, weight lifting, basic exercises like push-ups, pull-ups, squats, etc..

Nothing fancy, but the KEY is he did it CONSISTENTLY.

And it's no different in our business.

If you do THE BASICS consistently, you can expect incredible results... well into the 5- and 6 or even 7-Figures.

Work with us:
Dr. Jong C. Camba
Dr. Aileen L. Camba

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